Bookstore Returns Program

A bookstore returns program is something I advise to authors with a high degree of caution. It is always a more profitable option to focus on direct selling to customers and online sales, but many authors want to establish a bookstore presence as well. I suggest going directly to Baker and Taylor to set up as an individual vendor with them. Here is some information on how to do this:


Again, this is not something I advise doing as a general rule and if you have any questions on a returns program feel free to email. It is important to remember that this will not make any bookstore order your book – it only makes it less of a hassle for them to do so.

Success Story – Who to contact at Borders

This author worked very hard to get his book signing at Borders, which traditionally allows their store managers more flexibility in managing content. He did not initially find it easy to get his book in as they were hesitant to promote a self-published book, but he kept working with them – showing them positive reviews and providing them with copies to review. He ended up having some great events and here is a tidbit about that in his own words:
The whirl-wind tour of Des Moines, Iowa was outstanding! We have been asked to make a Return Engagement to WHO during August when they host a special Talk Radio booth at the Iowa State Fair (Oldest & Largest in America). It would be in conjunction with Michael Reagan’s syndicated talk radio show. Michael doesn’t know about this yet, so I must let the program director at WHO work his “magic” first. They did say they REALLY liked my twenty-five minute appearance—& that the answers I gave were “excellent & came across–great!” They said, “It sounded good.”
THE BORDERS book store Speech & Book Signing went very well! The staff had best venue inside the store with chairs, desk, mic & sound system &, as you can see by the Attachment, the BORDERS Regional P.R. people sent out numerous signs & enlarged RR book covers as signs & posters. By the way, my WHO host & anchor, Steave Deace (DAY-CE) allowed me to promo the BORDERS date (two days later) twice on his show—no problem. BORDERS was the firm that had ordered fifty (50) books through Baker & Taylor. We sold them all & signed them all. Then orders were placed, by the “stragglers” & store patrons who just happened to be there & heard my talk—with BORDERS for more books.
I had some friends who were planning a 50 year East High School Reunion at a library near the old H.S. & they asked me in to give a short talk—this is the way Reagan did it—unannounced—time after time—I sold & signed fifteen (15) books there. Seems miniscule—but the “buzz” sure got around Des Moines that we were in t own with REAGAN: WHAT WAS HE REALLY LIKE? VOL. 1.
Here is what he advises on who to contact:
The BORDERS story is this: The individual store manager, in KEY markets, MUST be approached by the author through a direct, on-the-scene, contact from a LIVE representative of that author—plus a telephone call from the author—IF he or she is in a remote location from the desisgnated Key market store. Then that store manager, if he or she does not initiate it, should be asked by the author to contact the Regional BORDERS Rep., known as the District Regional Marketing Manager responsible for a specific, multi-state area. They are ALWAYS looking for someone to promo in their regions.
It is up to the author to send that BORDERS DRM Manager a “package” by e-mail of 1. Photos of the author. 2. Newspaper / magazine clippings plus photos (even personal snapshots) of the author giving Speeches / Talks / Lectures / Presentations of the author’s work—to groups—the larger the better.
Those authors (Fiction or Non-fiction) should start out with local book clubs, authors clubs, church groups, Current Events & History Clubs, etc. etc.—to get some groundwork laid down first. One or two little events begets MANY larger, more important events! Tell them to do something (logical but innovative) to get people TALKING about them & their book!!!