Publishing’s Transition to Online Marketing

I found this lengthy article on online marketing strategies by major publishers The article focuses on YA and children’s books titles, but I think it can be applied to virtually every genre. It focuses on the transition by many mainstream publishers to online marketing techniques as more and more transactions are taking place through online channels. I would read through the article and see if some of the strategies might work for your book. It is also a good indicator that even traditional publishers are seeing more of a shift to online sales and developing an online presence.

The highlights: Over the past 12-18 months (article was posted in Feb) – there has been a major shift by trad publishers to online marketing. A recent Pew Internet and American Life Project poll discovered that 21 million teens are spending their afternoons after school online. Some publishers are devoting as much as 70% of their over-all marketing budget for a title to online strategies. Those strategies include: “re-energizing a Web site (or developing a new one) or ramping up tech knowledge to create campaigns utilizing blogs, podcasts, instant messaging, viral marketing campaigns, video sharing, ads on third-party URLs, video book trailers and social networking sites like MySpace”

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